Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Love My Son John: John Palmer Emmett (1978-2016)

Please scroll down for updates

JULY 26, 2016 UPDATE
Tragically, John Palmer Emmett died last night in a car accident here in Panama City Beach, Florida. John was 37 years old. We are heartbroken...

Dec 6, 1978 John was born at home ~
Jerry, Cathy, Linda and John

Mama's munchkins

Big Sister

Mama loves her boy

Happy Birthday - One year old in Arizona
With cousins Lynn and Laura Wheeler

John, Jesika Quintal and Linda in Boyes Hot Springs, California

Story time

John with Pete Angeli (RIP)

L-R: Blue Thomasson, John, Pete Angeli (RIP), Salty Hoffman, Walt Hoffman (RIP) and Cephas Hoffman


School days

Serious Game of Monoploly with the Callaway twins, Sean and Dion, in Rincon Valley, Calif

Nathan Kinser and John in Santa Rosa, California

The Body Builder

The Prom ~ Etowah HS
Woodstock, Georgia

The Graduate
John with Mike and Dustin Chastain

John, Hannah, Cathy, Linda and Ernie

Uncle John with Hannah

Uncle John with Lauren

John's Birthday dinner at Long Horn
Lauren, Hannah, John, Cathy and Linda

2014 Birthday dinner for mom at Mellow Mushroom
Hannah, Lauren, Ernie, Linda, John and Cathy

John's daughter, Brooklynn

John loved to fish

From John's sister, Linda Cavitt on July 26, 2016:
I'm so sorry we didn't get to fish one last time. Our last trip, the fishing was tough, and we only managed 4 small reds. I wanted to put you on your first tarpon. See the look on your face. I promise the next one will be in your honor. I'm so sorry life wasn't more fair to us growing up. You had so much to offer. I will always love you and you will always be my baby brother.

To anyone that knew my brother, he had deactivated his FB but he was in a fatal car accident last night. Please keep our family, especially my mother, in your thoughts and prayers.

JULY 27, 2016 UPDATE
Article from the local News Herald paper

One dead in Monday night wreck

Posted Jul 26, 2016 at 2:27 PM 
Updated Jul 26, 2016 at 3:37 PM
  
John Palmer Emmett, 37, of Panama City Beach, was pronounced dead at Bay Medical Center-Sacred Heart.

By Staff Report

PANAMA CITY BEACH — A man died and a woman was seriously injured in a single-car wreck on Magnolia Beach Road Monday night.

According to a report from the Florida Highway Patrol, John Palmer Emmett, 37, of Panama City Beach, was pronounced dead at Bay Medical Center-Sacred Heart in Panama City after being transported from the scene of the wreck. The passenger in his car, Ashlyn Katrine Holt, 33, was seriously injured; she was also taken to Bay Medical Center for treatment.

The report said Palmer was driving a 2003 GMC Envoy eastbound on Magnolia Beach Road at a high rate of speed about 10:37 p.m. Monday. The car steered left, causing it to rotate counter-clockwise and run off the left-hand side of the roadway. The right front of the GMC struck a utility pole. The vehicle continued rotating, and the rear collided with a "decorative structure."

The GMC then overturned, ejecting Emmett, who wasn't wearing a seatbelt, according to the report. The GMC struck a stop sign before coming to a stop upright, facing north.

Holt was wearing a seatbelt, the report said.

The FHP is investigating the crash.




John Palmer Emmett
Age: 37
Date of Death: July 25, 2016
Place of Death: Panama City Beach, Florida
Date of Birth: December 6, 1978
Birthplace: Boyes Hot Springs, California

A tragic automobile accident took John Emmett too soon and his family is grieving.

John grew up in Sonoma in northern California. In 1991, the family relocated to Woodstock, Georgia and John graduated from Etowah High School in 1997. He attended Kennesaw State University where he studied Sports Medicine. John’s passions were fitness, fishing, family and friends.

John is survived by daughter, Brooklynn Grace Sanders from Huber Heights, Ohio; mother, Cathy Palmer, sister, Linda Cavitt, brother-in-law, Ernie Cavitt, nieces Hannah Emmett & Lauren Cavitt, all from Panama City Beach, Florida; half-sister, Kelly Emmett from Belen, New Mexico; aunt Susie Wheeler from Scottsdale, Arizona, and several cousins all of whom will greatly miss him.

John was preceded in death by father, Gerald George Emmett.

John’s ashes will be scattered at sea in a private ceremony with his family here in Panama City Beach, Florida.

Heritage Shores is handling the arrangements.

Added John to Find A Grave website

JULY 29, 2016 UDPATE
The death certificate will be available to me next week. Today the mortuary told me the cause of death was by Blunt Cervical Trauma.

We have been getting some very sweet notes and here is part of one...
"... my friends were with him right after the accident. Detra works in healthcare and George is a trained first responder. They want you and your family to know they did everything they could to help him until the EMT's got to the scene, and even after, they stayed with him, talking to him reassuring him as best they could. And they prayed over him along with another lady who was there trying to help..."

JULY 30, 2016
Tomorrow morning 8 am Schooners is having a Remembrance for John. Please come if you can.

Here are a few more photos...

Linda and John

Pete Angeli (RIP), Linda and John in Sonoma, California

From Hannah Emmett, John's niece:
This is my favorite picture of us, it shows the smile you put on my face. You lit up my world John. I love you so much.

John, Hannah and Mason their Rottie

Hannah wrote:
John Palmer Emmett. I am so proud to be called your niece, You never failed to put a smile on my face when I saw you. Looking back at old photos you really made my childhood a great one. Life has taken you too soon from me, but this is all Gods plan and you are in a better place, watching me from above. I love you so much uncle John. You will forever be in my heart. ❤️

John and Hannah

Cam shot at Schooners

Beautiful flower from John's friends at Ocean Reef sin the Keys

JULY 31, 2016 UPDATE
This morning the loving family of Schooners held a wonderful ceremony on the beach which included sweet John stories, prayer, flowers tossed in the sea, a thundercloud with rainbow and a toast to say this is not good-bye but see you later. Thank you one and all so much for this and for coming.
Much love from John's family ~

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:38,39

A sweet friend posted a page for John on Facebook and these are the photos and comments. Thank you Samantha!

Samantha Voigt shared her event.
July 28 at 7:34pm ·

This weekend I will be holding my own private candlelit commemoration for my good friend, John P. Emmett, as he made a huge impact on my life in so many ways. While his ashes are to be scattered at sea during a private family ceremony, I know many of you would like the chance to honor his life as well. I extend to you the idea of lighting a candle in John's memory and holding your own private service from wherever you are this weekend. During the time your candle burns, go out and cast a line for him, make a toast to him, share your love & just celebrate him.

As we each send our thoughts & prayers to Heaven over candle light, I invite you to share your memories, stories, pictures, and love for John over social media as well using the hashtag: #HeresToJohnEmmett. This will allow all the love and memories we have for John to flow as one, as we push through this difficult time together.

Please take the time to give tribute to John and send kind words to his family here also: http://m.heritagefhbeach.com/obituaries/events…
Please share this event with others who also knew John, so we can help give him the biggest & best send off this weekend as he makes his way to his new home in Heaven.

Karla Monika from Wiesbaden, Germany wrote:
John was a funny guy, who always kept it real. I'm glad to have met him and my thoughts are with his friends and family

Kelsey Bridges from Panama City Beach wrote:
John always knew how to put a smile on your face. I could be having the worst day ever and John knew how to make me smile. His words were like no one else's. No matter what, he would put a smile on anyone's face. He never had a bad word to say about anyone. He would find the light in any persons soul. I wish I could be more like him.

I always enjoyed working with John! He always had a smile on his face and something nice to say!
He was always one willing to pick up or help out when needed!
I will always have fond memories of him!
Life is so short. We need to to appreciate those around and enjoy everyday as if it were our last!
Fly high John!!!

Phillip Phillionaire Peterson from Rolla, MO wrote:
Man oh man.. It is a sad part of life that it takes the loss of a loved one to really start thinking about how short and temporary life truly is... my 5 years in PCB would be nowhere near the same if it wasnt for the friendship, the brotherhood, and the adventures spent with John and Lucas Lewellen and a few others, whether good OR bad!.

From Red Robin madness to newbies trips, walking across the street closing down show N Tail, throwin $5's at them dancers (which they got down and dirty for that kinda money, and shortly after all arrested for beach laws 😂😂😂), to going out on the boat fishing, Vegas..just cuttin up... so many mornings just waking up laughing about the night before and the things we dont remember about the night... lots of laughs my friend. You will always be on my wall! Love you brother

MORE from Phil...
Sitting here thinking back about all the good times..and then there was VEGAS! John was a Diamond member with the casino's so we were able to take a trip out and the room was comped off, so we just bought our plane ticket and brought our gambling money...John hook'd us up with a trip to Vegas for my Golden birthday.. 22 on may 22nd. Geeezus 😂😂😂 It was the Hangover before the Hangover!!

Johns plane for whatever left at 10:30...and mine left at 12 noon..

We went out the night before.. just planning to have a few drinks and say bye to everyone before the 4 day voyage we were about to endure! Next thing we know we are wasted..end up at this chicks apartment in Stone Harbor (across the street from my apartment in Cabana West).. I just remember standing next to the refrigerator drinking Jager shots out of the freezer and the chicks place we were at got mad because some random girls showed up. So she told everybody to leave. It was John, MMary Slatcoffoff, Jason & Alicia... we walk out to the car.. Mary has a flat tire.. were like wtf?? So next thing you know... John pops the trunk, gets the jack out and starts jacking up the car (front passenger tire).. next thing you know..

John is laying completly on his side trying to unscrew the lug nuts, Mary is on the side walk pointing and supervising, (if you know Mary you know how funny this is ), Alicia is sitting IN the passenger seat putting on makeup n the mirror (as the car is jacked up lmao)... so im just like wtf and just go and SIT in the trunk like its a tailgate....

Then I woke up, in my bed. Like wtf?? What time is it?? Its 11:15! My phone is missing, My wallet is missing.... is John in Vegas?? Wtf!!
So I call Johns phone and Alicia answers!!! Im like Alicia!! Where is John!? Shes like "Baby, John is in Vegas, Mary took him to the air port this morning, He forgot his phone here... im like shit...i dont have my phone or wallet, ill come meet you, get his phone... luckily I had a missouri ID.. went to the bank and pulled all my cash out and hauled ass to the airport... I get there right before boarding, Johns phone died...a dude is on an apple computer and luckily had an iphone charger so I plug his phone in...next thing you know they say "Now boarding flight to vegas..." im standing there n line like..damn I guess ill just track him down n Vegas..and then tap tap tap, I turn around and ITS JOHN! He's just like "whats up dude" and im like ECSTATIC...John! Wtf! I got your phone! I lost my wallet and phone, what happened I thought mary took you here early! He said that on the way to the airport Mary's DONUT popped on highway 79 and they was driving on the flat and John is like "Mary, pull over pull over" and she is like NO JOHN! WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT!..and then sparks start flying over her car hahahahahahahahaha so they pull off!

A dumptruck drives by and see's a chick with a flat tire and pulls off...and asks if she needs help... John is like "Hey man, im trying to catch this flight to Vegas, you think you can give me a lift"...so John jumps n the dump truck and LEAVES MARY BEHIND! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 😂😂😂
He rolls up to the airport n a dump truck... but still missed the flight so he was sitting at the bar waiting for my flight hahaha

So we get on the plane, and we are both still drunk laughing talking about the night before...order a bloody mary... after we finish our drink the flight attendent drops another bloody mary n front of us and says "I heard it was Happy Hour n Vegas, here ya go!!!"
Hahaha we scored free drinks on the plane...
Finally touch down n Vegas and john throws $20 n a slot machine and im like...noooo dont do it slot machine take yo money...two spins and he hits it for $75!!! Hahaha it was on from there

We just had a blast for 4 days... both of us met some chicks... almost went to the chapel and got married, John was gonna move to CALI with his girl, my girl actually was a Trainer for Red Robin n Seattle... it was crazy... there was a "Diamond Lounge" that we take an elevator up and get free drinks, whatever you want, single doubles or triples, and they have appitizers, and you just tip the coctail waitresa...when we left we were able to get drinks to go and I got my double vodka cran and John asked if he can have 4 shots of captain ane coke to go and im like 😲😲 and she replied "Quad to-go, Heard!" Like its normal Hahahahahahah 😂😂😂
we ended up missing our flight. The hotel comped two more nights off and southwest switched everyting for free. So we got two more days on the house. Neither one of us had a dime to our name... So he just started charging everything to the room.. two days pass and I had my brothers credit card for a taxi to the airport and come.to find out, vegas cabs dont take credit cards...now we are fucked??? We are about to miss our flight again, so john calls for a Limo to take us back to the airport...were standing on the curb and it just isnt showing up..time is ticking and we CANT miss our fliDavid Breweravid Brewer already covered our shifts... we ask the bell hop whats up with the limo and apparently VIP services seen we did an "express checkout " and had $4,500 charged to the room to talk about so they canceled our limo! We call Red Robin trying to get a server to buy the $60 limo to get us to the airport and nobody had it... and our saving grace came thru and David gave us his discover card to get us home!!!

Now we are late...the limo driver is driving like a nascar driver down the highway n and out of traffic and gets us to the airport.. we made it thru the Vegas airport in under 20 minutes!!!! Because we were pushing it hahahaha

We get back to PCB... and come to find out, Mary took her car to the dealership cuz she broke a tirod on her tire on the way to drop John off...and when they went to put the spare tire n the trunk AND THERE IS MY PHONE AND WALLET WITH $180 where the spare tire goes cuz it fell out my back pocket when i was sitting n the trunk! Hahahahhaahhah

It was crazy!!!

Damn John Boy, GREAT TIMES! and Thank you for treating me to Vegas for memories I will never forget!!! Love you brother 🍻

MORE from Phil:
So many memories so many stories to share..but one that will never leave my mind is the a time that John, Lucas Lewellen, and myself went out one night... John disappeared with a chick that we knew he was talking too at the time...and the next morning I woke up and get a phone call... it was about 11:30am...they opened busy as shit, John was suppose to be there at 11am.. I was suppose to be there at 12pm noon, and Lucas was scheduled off...I get a phone call at 11:30 and they say John hasnt showed up and if Lucas can cover for him...at the time I lived at Cabana West Apartments, as well as Lucas (in the other building on the left side) so I call Lucas and tell em John hasnt showed and if he can cover and of course Lucas is like yeah, I'll see ya downstairs in 10 minutes... so im like cool...get cleaned up and go downstairs and walk across the lot to meet Lucas.....as im walking across the courtyard, a TAXI pulls up and John steps out!!! 😂😂😂 I'm like what up dude, he responds "i'm late", and im like I know..they called... as we walk across the way all a sudden Lucas walks out of the stairwell and just takes one look at John and starts laughing...he's like "lets go".. we get to Lucas's car and he has a flat tire...so we drive on the flat around the corner to Tom Thumb and air his tire up..and eventually make it to work.... keep n mind, "john is a no call no show, Lucas is covering, and I work at 12"... we all 3 walk in the front door... John picks up his section, I fan into mine, and Lucas just starts pre bussing, expoing, running food, marrying glasses, whatever....within 30 minutes, the whole restaurant leveled out and everything was good...
In life in person, this moment was so much more funny, so much more real... this was the experience we earned the name "The Three Musketeers" because late or not, drunk hungover or sober, we walked thru that front door as a team and we rocked that shit out! I will never forget it! Cheers to THAT! Cheers to YOU!

Samantha Voigt from Panama City Beach wrote:
Schooners remembrance of John was beautiful! It was short & sweet but you could definitely tell how much of a positive impact he made on his family there, just as he did with our Red Robin family. A few of his coworkers shared funny little stories, read passages that felt right, and even planned for us to make a toast then pour one out for him. How fitting!!!
There was one cloud out over the gulf that was talking to us. It rumbled deep rolls of thunder, threw out some lightning strikes, and even tried showing us a rainbow. Coincidence? I think not.

MORE from Samantha:
Schooners was one of John's most recent places of employment. Everyone there (guests & coworkers) loved him dearly! I remember in my newsfeed awhile back there was a lady who was down here on vacation & thought John was so wonderful! She raved about the food & the service he gave her. It was a very sweet post, but I haven't been able to find it since. I think it's awesome that Schooners is doing this for him!!

MORE from Samantha:
Today, this is how I chose to honor the friendship we had. ☺️ These shoes may be super duper dirty (which is why I had to stop wearing them), but I totally wore them tonight.🤘🏼John & I were the only ones who decided to rock the red kicks back in the day when he worked with me at Red Robin. 👫 It may sound silly... But wearing them brought back so many funny memories & it just felt great doing it for him

MORE from Phil:

Bryan Warren from Queensborough, SC wrote:
I remember the day that Shannon hired him at RR. The ladies were swooning, the guys saw a drinking buddy, and I thought he was coming to take my job! Lol. He was a genuine soul, with such a huge heart, but he had his faults. The main one being his addiction that DAMN GAME ON THE BAR TOP! That man dumped sooooo much money into that machine, every night after his shift. He'd play that "snake ball" game, as well as the one where you picked the differences in the 2 pics! He used to piss me off because he made the ball game seem so easy, while the rest of us struggled. He would just sit back and laugh at us. In my opinion, that was him. Just a positive soul, that is gone way too soon. Rest in Peace, brother

Marie Sexton from Panama City, FL wrote:
John trained me when I started at red robin in 2011. And we all became friends quick. Lots of nights having drinks after work. And lots of talks. Me and John did argue a few times but by the end of rthe night we would hug it out lol. He was always so encouraging and such a fun person to be around. I used to wait on tables of girls and they would say omg who is that. I think I got him a few numbers lol. He was always down to go have some fun and we all became like a family always there to help each other out no matter what. Thank u John for our many talks on the rides home. Thank u for your friendship. Thanks for just being you. I will be missed my friend

Paul Stepro from Northbrook, OH wrote:
Johns a great guy, always nice and fun to be around. I'll make sure to light a candle for him and his family here in Cincinnati. R.I.P man

Alicia Trotter wrote:
John was one of my good friends at red robin I always loved working with him he was so sweet and fun to be around we had a lot of great times together and I will cherish those times forever John was more than just a co worker he was family and he will forever be missed I am going to light this candle in memory John I love you and miss you you were such a kind fun loving person to be around and I will always cherish the memories we have together rip my friend gone but never forgotten

Today I am lighting this candle in memory of my good friend John Emmett this is to all the great times we had together miss you you will neaver be forgotten heres to John Emmett

Camille Gonzalez from Elizabeth, NJ wrote:
He will be missed! 😘 ‪#‎RIPJOHNEMMETT

Erik Kimball feeling emotional from Lawrenceville, GA wrote: 
He will be remembered, toast one for me, lite a candle for me. R.I.P John....

MORE from Samantha - she posted this the day after John died...
We lost another wonderful soul. 😭 I've been at a loss of words since hearing that my good friend, John Emmett, was involved in a fatal car accident last night. I'm shaking as my heart breaks for his friends, family, and his little girl. 😔 He has been a big part of my adult life and I'm sure many others lives as well. John helped me break out of my shy little shell & I've made soooo many crazy memories with him. 💭 He always supported my decisions 100% & was great at motivating me to do better. I'm thankful that He put John in my life, but I will never understand why he had to be taken so soon. 💔 John was one of the most outgoing people I've ever met & definitely as beautiful inside as he was out. 😪 #RIP

I hope Heaven is ready for their newest addition; he's a wild one. Fly as high as you can, you big fart! I'll be looking for you in the stars.

Heidi Thomas wrote:
‪‬Such a goober!!!

MORE from Heidi:
There's a special candle for you , first time I ever met you you're hanging out with Phil and Lucas the Three Musketeers you guys were always out laughing having a great time always positive first time I ever saw you, thought that's a good-looking man then I got to know you and you have the personality to match, I will miss your hugs, you will always be remembered!!!‪#‎HeresToJohnEmmett‬

Frances Jones wrote on August 1, 2016 
Dear John, it's been exactly one week since we last talked. I'll forever be grateful that we talked on your last day. You told me it was the most perfect weather down at the beach and I was going to love it and man were you right. I still can't believe you weren't the one to pick me up from the airport on Thursday. Missing you and your smile like crazy buddy

More touching comments and photos...

Julie Green from Huber Heights, OH wrote:
Reading some of these posts has made me laugh and cry, and sometimes at the same time. While I too have so many stories of drunken expeditions that always went crazy, but John seemed to find a way to get us out of it, or the smiles he put on other peoples faces, and spending countless hours playing on those silly bar top games, those aren't the memories I remember him by the most. the best memories I have with John are not shared by anyone else in the world. I got to see what joy on his face looked like when we found out we were pregnant, his amazement when we heard our daughter's heart beat for the first time, and his nervousness of asking "Julie will you marry me". Over the last ten years, John and I went through some of the highest highs and the lowest lows and were able to come out to the other side of things with a new sense of peace and comfort. He talked to me recently about his goals over the next year and how he was going to try to put a lot of his energy into getting sober and getting out of the bar industry. Those were the top things on his list and if you know him like I do, he makes a list for everything and sticks to that list. I'm sad I didn't get to see those things crossed off his list. I'm glad to see that he positively impacted so many people, but I most grateful for the love that we had that created the most amazing little girl in the world. She's incredibly intelligent, she has a kind soul, she looks just like John, and even talks like him too. She is the very best parts of John and I and I'm so very blessed to get to see the best parts of us every single day. John will forever hold an irreplaceable part of my heart and know that he will be Brooklynn's guardian angel every day of her life.

Sarah Beebe Auburn, AL wrote:
I only knew John for a short time but he impacted my life in so many ways. From the moment I met him I knew our paths were meant to cross. His infectious laugh and outgoing fun loving personality are just the surface of who he was. He taught me a lot about how to just embrace and enjoy life. I am forever thankful to have shared this time on earth with him. Cheers John Emmett, to the next time we meet... Some just have to chase the sun

Today I went by the Bay County Pier and thought about John who could spend hours there because he so loved to fish!

We picked up the ashes and will scatter them in the Gulf of Mexico where John loved to fish, swim and enjoy.

My mother used to sing this song to me and I continued the tradition with my children. Even on a rainy morning, the sun is shining behind the clouds and that gives me hope. I want to thank EVERYONE for all the support, love, prayers, cards, hugs and this beautiful cross put up by John's employer, Schooners, by Jeff in the pouring rain last night ~ All my love to you all <3
(posted today in Facebook by me, John's mother)


This Memory photo popped up on Facebook... 2 years ago today on Aug 14, 2014, John moved back to Panama City Beach, Florida. I wrote, "FAMILY REUNION My son moved back to Florida today! Here are my beautiful children, Linda & John <3"

And from his mama...
Rest in Peace sweet John and I'll see you on the other side... We miss you so much... love you always and forever...

We scattered John's ashes in Gulf of Mexico on Christmas Eve after saying the Lord's Prayer, praying and shedding tears...

A few days earlier on December 19, 2016, I received the following via Facebook:
Hello, I know you do not know who I am and I want you to know that I have searched and searched for you and finally found you. My name is Kim and myself and my family were at the wreck the night your son John was taken. There was an older lady and myself that were able to pray with your son and try to calm him down and he was able to tell us his name. So we knew he understood us praying with him. There were others working on him and there was so much help and love shown in such a tragic time. You could feel the love at the scene. We found out later that next day that he did not make it and my family and I left heading home with very heavy hearts. As a mom myself I have prayed for you and for your family and wanted to know that some pretty amazing people came to help your son that night and I for one will never be the same. I prayed before sending this to you but wanted to let you know and not upset you more than you have been.God Bless...

Thank you so much, Kimberly.
I had heard that first responders had prayed for him which is very comforting & I truly believe John is with Jesus now. The Lord's grace is truly amazing

JULY 15, 2017 UPDATE

On July 25 it will be ONE YEAR... hard to believe it's been that long! In memory, I made this short video of John... Love you and miss you, son, and think about you daily...

Today John's memorial bench was installed on the county pier in Panama City Beach, Florida, where John loved to fish. Miss you everyday, son xoxo

JULY 24, 2018
Today John's niece, Lauren, and I went to his bench on the pier and sent up 3 balloons as we thought about John and how much we miss him... tomorrow it will be 2 years.

JULY 25, 2019
We love you and miss you everyday, John...

John loved to fish and often he could be found on the County Pier with his line in the water.

Panama City Beach, Florida

NOVEMBER 4, 2021
John's ashes were buried and a headstone placed today at Greenwood Cemetery in Panama City, Florida. RIP John

A little visit and some decoration... Miss You John!